Monday, June 17, 2013

Ch 06 is submitted!

Haha, I got lit to work with me, and I just submitted Ch 06! Hopefully Ch 05 posts on Wednesday or Thursday, and Ch 06 posts right after that... Who knows though?
Fingers Crossed!


Ch 06 is done!

Yay! Now, as soon as literotica decides to let me log on, I'll be more than happy to submit it. Until then,  you and I will both get to suffer pleasantly with the sometimes very frustrating side-affects of the sight.
As a note, Ch 06 will be a little bit shorter than my usual chapters. So... yay for the readers :)

anyway... I'll try and find something to do to pass the time until lit decides to let me back on... Cheers


So I just...

...told all my lovely readers on lit about my blog, and I'm hoping to see some of them come here :) I'm still pushing through Ch 06. I'm not gonna lie, this chapter is kind of hard to write, but it's got to be done. By the end of it, it'll be worth it!

Fingers crossed!



And Ch 06 has been started! I plan on finishing it within the next couple of hours, and submitting it to lit! I'm hoping all my readers are going to like it, so fingers crossed! :)



So much for writing Ch 06 last night! I kind of sort of crashed and completely fell asleep! Sorry about that one guys. I'm going to do my best to get it written and submitted by tonight, just so there's not a huge gap in-between chapters :)
Anyway, I'm off to write, I think.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hi Everyone!

Hey all,
So I decided to start up my own little blog to keep people updated on my stories on lit. I don't know if anyone will use it or not, but here it is either way. I just submitted Ch 05 of His Kitten Again, so that should be up in the next 3-7 days. I'm also starting Ch 06 today, and depending on how things go, I might be able to submit that tonight as well!
His Kitten Again will most likely be coming to a close within the next 3-8 chapters. But do not fear! I've been rolling an idea around in my mind for another series that ties into His Kitten Again, but is definitely not the same series. I'm hoping to get started on it within two weeks, and get it up on lit as soon as His Kitten Again is over!
Anyway, there's my update for the day. :)
